October 09, 2006

Ahh, Thanksgiving again. Quite possibly my least favourite holiday, probably because you don't get presents or candy or fireworks. We all know that's the good stuff!


Some asshole[s] stole my dad's snowblower during the night. Honestly, what drives a person to steal something like that? It's stored behind the shed, so it isn't visible unless you're standing in the yard, at the back, right beside the stupid thing. Second, you'd need two people to hoist it up into a truck that's parked beside the yard. It's just so bizarre I can't quite comprehend it. Has someone been casing out the joint? Bellan's convinced it was someone who works at the service station beside us. Who knows? I'm sure we'll never see it again, so my dad's going to have to go out and buy a new one that he can't afford. Sheesh, what the hell's wrong with people?


I finally finished Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, after two [or is it 3?] months of slogging through it. On to Flowers in the Attic, and probably Petals on the Wind after that. New Lemony Snicket book on Friday, woo! I'm sad it's the last one, titled The End, of course, but I really want to know all the secrets.

1 comment:

Andi said...

Stole a snow blower?? That's a first. Of course we don't have them in Texas, so it could be quite common to steal one, I suppose.