Tagged by Andi:
1) Would you bungee jump? Great zombie Jesus no! I'm much to afraid of heights for those shenanigans.
2) If you could do anything in the world for a living what would it be? An author, I suppose. I wouldn't even have to be a famous one, just one with enough of a cult following to sustain me.
3) Your favorite fictional animal? Dodo's rock, as Andi pointed out. Hmmm...I always liked the oliphants/Mumakil in Lord of the Rings, but I think that's because Sam loved them so much, and I love Sam.
4) One person who never fails to make you laugh? Myself, because I'm a klutz and come up with great one liners.
5) When you were 12 years old what did you want to be when you grew up? At 12? I don't know, but in kindergarten I wanted to be a ballerina AND a cop.
6) What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Moan at the bright light and roll over.
7) Have you ever gone to therapy? Yes, but I stopped when she wanted me to start talking to pillows.
8) If you could have one super power what would it be? Read minds, and being able to kick ass in heels.
9) Your favorite cartoon character? I love Kiff from Futurama, the lovable sidekick to Zap Branigan.
10) Do you go to church? Hahaha, no.
11) What is your best childhood memory? Aww crap, I dunno. One of my favourites was my third birthday, when my grandparents gave me a tricycle and I rode it from their house to ours.
12) Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? I think so, in some ways.
13) Do you own a gun? No...should I?
14) Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? Only playfully. Bellan and I pretend pistol whip each other sometimes. We're sick.
15) Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people? Yes, in fact I have. I played Abe, the head sheep in a Christmas play put on my by daycare. It involved a solo, "I Could Give Him Love", as we were a herd of sheep on the way to visit the baby Jesus after he'd been born. I went to a Salvation Army daycare, I'm surprised it didn't screw me up somehow.
16) What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hands, shoulders. And shoes.
17) What is your biggest mistake? I don't really have one, I don't think.
18) Say something totally random about yourself. I hate raisins in any sort of baked goods, but I love eating on their own.
19) Has anyone ever said that you looked like a celebrity? No, I guess I'm an original.
20) What is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you? Romance schmomance! Bellan once made those blocks like in Super Mario Bros. [you know, the ones with coins and mushrooms and stuff in 'em] and put a random weed in it. That was cute.
21) Do you actually read these when other people fill them out? If I wanna know more about 'em! Sure, why not?
October 10, 2006
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OK OK. You made me laugh out loud with your answers to this thing. You pretend to pistol whip each other?? That's so oddly fun.
Yes, we do. It's really sad, and I don't know how it started.
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