February 05, 2007

Everyone has an annoying co-worker, and mine is A. A. worked at my company last year, then she got another job and left. Hard to believe, but the other place didn't renew her contract and she came back here because they'll take anyone [except Bellan, apparently]. Holy Christ, most days I wish she would just SHUT THE FUCK UP. She sits with my friends and I during breaks and lunch, feels the need to interject and talk over everyone, giving advice that nobody asked for and irritating everyone. Do your own job, and I'll do mine. When she's not doling out nuggets of advice, she whining about how fat she is and how she wishes she could lose weight. Of course, A. is one of those girls that's not huge at all, and has never even come close to double digits. On top of it, she's got a shrieky, grating voice that shreds me eardrums to ribbons.

There are so many days when I really want to punch her and stick her head in the toaster oven.

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