April 14, 2007

I ended up not buying any books at the ComiCon, and spent all of my money on toys, toys, toys! I got...

The Doctor and Rose (who was packaged with K-9):

Bastardino, an odd Japanese style toy [I could not get an in focus picture of him for some reason]:

And last but not least, Sailor Babo, the newest addition to my Ugly Doll family [big shoutouts to Target and Cinko, woop woop!]:

And finally, I have to share this photo. My friend just moved into a new building, and ALL of the railings are done with the same ironwork...


Andi said...

LMAO at the ironwork! Excellent. And beware...Sailor Babo might have to be mine!!! ;)

Heather said...

I mean, how could you not have picked that out and not realized what it looks like?!

The story that goes with Sailor Babo is excellent. I love me some Ugly Dolls!