November 12, 2006

I must be growing up, because the other day I realized I could ask for curtains for Christmas. I mean, curtains, for cryin' out loud.

Also on my Christmas list: canisters for flour, sugar, etc., a microwave stand, and various other home-y type things.


Anonymous said...

I'm asking for gardening tools!! Woo-hoo!

meg said...

oh man, canisters are the best thing EVER. all i ever want is more jars and cans and tins to put things in. more than half my cupboard space here is taken up by canisters.

curtains are also terribly exciting- i bought a sheer green martha stewart piece for our living room over a year ago and i STILL love it.

ps- i need to email you. i promise i will.

Heather said...

Canisters are a necessity. I hate having flour and sugar go everywhere every time I open the bag.

We bought a Debbi Travis curtain thingy, where you push it up and tie these ties...sorta like a roman shade, but with ties instead of a blind type system...anyways, it's stripey and I love it.

I hope everyone gets what they want!