November 08, 2006

Is it Thursday yet? I mean, Friday would be even better, but right now I'll settle for Thursday.

Not that today was the worst day of my life, just that it sucked enough at a constant rate to be annoying. I couldn't seem to get moving this morning, and at 5 minutes to the time I leave I still had wet hair, half a cup of coffee, no makeup on and I just didn't want to get out of the chair. Every book I had to catalogue refused to be straight forward so they took longer than they should have. My barcode scanner decided to randomly start beeping at me for no reason, and it was so loud that everyone across the building could hear it. Mid morning aunt Flo decided to stop by when she knows she usually comes on Thursday morning, that bitch! My laundry didn't get quite dry because I had the dryer stuffed full, my nose is running and I'm hot.

The emails have started circulating about our department's Christmas lunch, which nobody is excited about. It would be exciting, except for the fact that we're expected to pay for our own meal and make up any time that we'll miss because of the lunch and it's basically mandatory. What? And our supervisor won't do it after hours, because she actually wants people to show up.

On the upside, I don't go to work everyday wondering if it'll be the day I get shit canned.

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