November 05, 2006


I spent two weeks with a cousin in an Internet-less apartment watching Full House and Facts of Life reruns in between going to work every day.

We got our apartment on Wednesday, and have been unpacking and spending far too much money getting things in order. I actually like me new job, and I can rest easy knowing that there's nobody out there trying to get me fired. I replaced Bridget, who was apparently the world's biggest idiot and whom nobody actually liked. I feel good about myself already!

There will be more ramblings later, I must disconnect from our illegal Internet. We don't get our own until next Monday, so I found an unsecured network that somebody has in our building and joined in the party. Woo!


Andi said...

Yay for liking the new job and apartment! Glad you're back!

Heather said...

Thanks Andi! I'll have to get caught up on your blog at some point in the near future, I wanna know what's been going on with Barrister!

Andi said...

Nothing. :( He found someone else. *sigh*

Heather said...

Ooooh, boo. Sucks to his assmar then!