October 05, 2006

I went to lunch today with a woman I worked with at the library. We ate, sipped coffee and talked about the changes in our lives and the changes at the library. Since I was feeling ballsy, and knowing that the chief librarian was in England, I decided to finally go in the building. Of course, the person I least wanted to see happened to be at the desk up in the children's department. As I was going back downstairs, she looked over and gave me a big, friendly smile. Gee, thanks bitch. Like I ever want to talk to you again!


We were supposed to move this weekend, but now we can't because the current tenants are still there, and can't move out until the end of the month. Great. So now we're in a bit of a jam and waiting to hear back from the landlord about when the current tenants are moving out for sure.


Yesterday the new Killers and Lindsey Buckingham albums came out. Woot! Bellan called MusicWorld about the LB album, and someone told him they didn't have it. Sure enough, we went up yesterday and there was on the new release wall. Way to go, moron! It was well worth the way, and I can't wait for his rockin' album next year. The Killers album is fantastic, a different sound than Hot Fuss, which apparently a lot of people are upset about. If you want Hot Fuss, than go listen to it.


Andi said...

I'm behind the times: just bought Hot Fuss today. LOOOVE it. But I want the new one too.

Oh, and I got the new Evanescence. Too many slow tunes for my taste, but decent overall.

Heather said...

Hot Fuss is so good, really catchy. Sam's Town is a solid record, but nothing really stands out and there aren't really any choruses. But I still heart it.

I'm not much of an Evanesence fan, but I do love Amy Lee's voice. And that she has some class, and knows to cover her damned boobs.